April 16, 2019
Meet Paige and Alex. I instantly fell in love with Paige when I heard her Canadian accent and saw her bright blue eyes. Her personality is vibrant, kind, and silly. I have absolutely loved being apart of Paige and Alex’s wedding planning process. I cannot wait to see these two create a life together and FINALLY be in the same area code. It is undeniable the love these two love birds have for each other. I don’t know any woman who would move to a different country (!!!!!!!!!!!) for someone they weren’t madly and deeply in love with. I cannot wait to see what life has in store for these two — I know it will be epic just like the sunset we experienced at Owl Creek Farms Foundation during their engagement session.
Scroll down to see Alex and Paige’s Owl Creek Farms Foundation engagement photos, and if you love them as much as I do, use the contact form to get in touch with me today. Let’s grab a drink and explore.
Their Love Story.
Alex and Paige met online around 2011 and dated for a couple years long distance. Paige in Canada and Alex in Southern California. Eventually, they broke up. Their story didn’t end there. They found each other again in 2018 and realized we were meant to be. In August, Alex proposed to Paige in Hermosa Beach where they had their first date! Alex said he picked that spot because on our first date, they were standing on the pier hugging and they both said that’s the moment we fell back in love. Now, the two of them are inseparable besides the fact that their 1300 miles apart. That’s right. Paige is still in Canada and Alex still in Southern California until their wedding in August at the Pomona Valley Mining Company.
Getting married? Let’s chat. Those interested in viewing more Owl Creek Farms Foundation engagement photos can check out Adam and Jazmine’s Engagement session at Owl Creek Farms Foundation I photographed a few weeks ago!